Building Financial Resiliency

We focus on developing sustainable spending and saving skills to ensure you can escape from financial fragility and meet your short- and long-term financial goals.

To accomplish this, we do the following:

  1. Determine your current level of monthly spending, including understanding what is discretionary versus mandatory.
  2. Determine your current level of indebtedness, along with the interest rate for each outstanding loan.
  3. Create spending and saving targets to pay off your debts within an acceptable timeframe.
  4. Develop spending strategies — including suspending all discretionary spending — until you’re meeting your targets. This includes shifting all spending from credit to debit cards, except for true emergencies.
  5. Track your monthly spending, saving, debt repayments, and outstanding loan balances and make adjustments as necessary.
  6. Repeat until you’re debt-free.

The goal is to increase your financial resiliency and get you back on track.

I offer a reduced and affordable fee for those experiencing financial stress.

Questions?  Get in touch