Building Your Nest Egg
We focus on maximizing your long term net worth and ongoing financial resiliency by creating a low-cost, tax-optimized, and sustainable process to address all your financial planning needs.
We may cover any of the following items:
- Tracking your spending and determining an optimal target
- Evaluating different savings options such as 401Ks, HSAs, ESPPs, other employer equity, 529s, etc.
- Determining options for Roth IRA contributions, back-door Roths, after-tax 401K contributions, and Roth IRA conversions
- Rolling over old retirement accounts and unifying disparate and unnecessary ones
- Asset allocation for your investment portfolio
- Tax loss harvesting opportunities
- Life and umbrella liability insurance coverage
- Student loan payoffs
- Donor advised funds
- Trusted contact and limited agent considerations for your financial accounts
- Up-to-date beneficiary designations and will
- Protection from investment scams
The fee for this service is $500 and includes 90 days of follow-up financial planning. You can get a sense of my financial planning approach here.